Friday, November 15, 2013

Friend Zone

I've been friends with this guy for more than a decade, and I still have a crush on him to this day.  There's attraction on both sides but we don't entertain the idea as he didn't pursue me when I'm available.  And I'm not the type who's going to tell him how I feel because I'm afraid it might strain our friendship (f****, I'm old and I still act this way.. oh, yeah, I suck), and I think it has something to do with my pride.

Whenever he say things about the girls that he checks out, I feel insecure as I usually don't match his 'credentials'.  But whenever I tell him about guys that I'm interested in, he's like caught off guard and probing about them.  I really don't get it why does he have to do it over and over again.  He's available.  I'm available.

Or maybe we're just scared?

But anyway, I told him about this other guy that I really like (and, yes, there is really another guy) and asked him on his point of view if a guy says "dude," does it automatically sends the signal that we're just friends and there's no possibility into having a more fruitful relationship than just being friends?  He said it doesn't really mean when a guy says 'dude', it sticks to just that, because he says dude to me too, which made me think, "So, you're telling me there's a possibility between us?"  But, of course, I just told it to myself.

Anyway, he said that the guy just calls me dude because he's comfortable with me, on telling me whatever and won't judge him in any other way.  And that just made me think, why always?  I mean, if these guys that I talk to rant about their girlfriends' petty stuff that kills them and other things that they really don't get (which I can't relate because I'm not that typical girl), we share things in common, we are attracted to each other, we just simply click--then why don't they pursue me instead?  I know I'm not ugly, but I don't have the standard beauty set by the society, which means I'm not a skinny bitch.  I'm average.  And they, my guy friends, reassure me that I'm really attractive, talented, easy to talk to, and smart.  But why don't they step up and I ALWAYS end up as their friend that they can talk to?

I really just don't get it.

Too bad I have so much to offer.  Their loss.

And, yes, girls do get friend-zoned too, you know.

P.S. I've collated some friend zone memes below just for kicks.  And the last one sums it all.  *Credits to all the meme creators*

The sum of it all.  Amen.